Building a Better Brand

A note from Rosamalia Villamizar, Marketing Manager at BEHLEN
You may have noticed BEHLEN has a new look. We’ve updated our website, started a blog, designed new brochures and more. We hope these changes make us more approachable and showcase our products and exciting new projects. See below for a number of ways we’ve refreshed our image in the last months.
Consistent Brand Communication
It’s important that all the materials we send out from BEHLEN work in harmony with one another. That’s why we developed a new marketing communication strategy that makes sure we’re using consistent voice and branding in all of our marketing materials.
Dropping the Jargon
We want to speak the same language as our customers and help them see how a BEHLEN building can fulfill their needs. That means dropping some of the jargon we use internally including the terms CORR-SPAN and FLEX-SYS. We are now referring to our two building types as Frameless and Rigid Frame, which is much easier for our customers to understand when they’re planning their next project.
Updating our Look Online
BEHLEN has a new website! The updated site is easier to use and understand and works in harmony with our other marketing materials. It also gives us a place to put our first corporate video! You’ll notice there are links to our social media accounts on the site as well. We’re using Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to engage with a new generation and business influencers.
New Product Material
We recently launched our new product brochures, making sure we presented the options associated with our Frameless and Rigid Frame buildings in a way that will be easy for our audiences to understand. The brochures have a clean, professional look and better show us as a cutting-edge, large and versatile company.
New Advertising Strategy
We’re developing advertising strategies that help us connect with architects and engineers across the country. We’re working on sharing our design flexibility, quality and expertise in a visual, clear and appealing way.
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BEHLEN Industries LP