The Deltabeams Just Keep On Coming

BEHLEN has been manufacturing DELTABEAMs for Peikko Canada and the orders just keep rolling in, but some of us are still wondering what a DELTABEAM is.
According to Peikko, a DELTABEAM is a composite beam used for slim floor construction and is used in multi-storey construction. The beams make the erection of buildings faster as they come as ready to install components with minimal shoring required. They can span great lengths (up to 22meters), are fire rated and due to their slim design they can reduce the overall height of the building, which ultimately results in cost savings for the builder.
The DELTABEAM is designed to be used as a structural element combined with hollow-core concrete slab types. It enables the usage of shallow element structures and strengthens the frame structure inside the slab. (Peikko Canada)
DELTABEAMs have been used in over 10,000 structures around the world. According to Dominic Lemieux, Managing Director of Peikko Canada, the DELTABEAM is a superior choice for the construction of multi-floor buildings because:
“For the longest time it’s always been steel or concrete and both materials have their own strengths. Concrete will provide a fireproofed slim-floor but requires a lot of labour for shoring and formwork on site. On the other side, steel is extremely fast to erect since it is prefabricated but will lead to thicker floors that require fireproofing. DELTABEAM combines the best of both worlds, it’s a fireproof slim-floor prefabricated system. While the steel profile provides speed without intensive labour, the concrete reduces the height of the profile thru composite action and leads to a fire rated assembly”.
So, why did Peikko pick BEHLEN to be one of only two Canadian manufacturers of their DELTABEAM? “The demand is strong and growing in Western Canada so we needed a partner closer to our projects to better serve our clients”, Dominic Lemieux. Barry Beaudry, Regional Sales Manager of our Steel Custom Fabrications division of BEHLEN also noted that, “the partnership between BEHLEN and Peikko made sense not only for location purposes to serve their clients better, but also because at BEHLEN we have plant capacity, technical expertise and machinery to make custom products like the DELTABEAM for our clients”.
“At BEHLEN, we have now manufactured the beams for six different projects and it is clear that the demand is growing,” says Beaudry. The DELTABEAM is a very unique product which can save time and money on any multi-storey project, without sacrificing quality and aesthetics.
To learn more about BEHLEN’s custom fabrication work and how we can serve you visit To learn more about Peikko and their DELTABEAM technology visit
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BEHLEN Industries LP