Largest frameless steel building in the world hosts first soccer game

Massive BEHLEN-manufactured building holds international-sized soccer pitch
After months of manufacturing and construction, the largest convex-style frameless steel building in the world hosted its first soccer game. The structure holds a FIFA certified, intAL7_2107-1 (1)ernational-sized soccer field and bleachers.
On November 8, the first game was played, with more than 3,000 fans in attendance, including the president of the Football National League (FNL), Igor Efremov. Players and spectators alike praised the new facility.
The facility has a clear span of 313’ wide, without any columns to obstruct views. The whole structure measures 313’ wide, 75’ tall and 400’ long. Constructed with an engineered panel system, BEHLEN has eliminated the need for structural steel. The building’s convex-style roof design helps provide the necessary rigidity while saving on time, labour and materials. The building was manufactured by BEHLEN, in our Brandon, MB plant and then shipped over to Krasnoyarsk, Russia for construction.
To see a clip of the soccer game click here
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BEHLEN Industries LP